Deb’s dedication to Performing Arts has seen her working for over 20 years in the Arts Sector, and she is known as a driving force in Australian Circus.
She has worked with many emerging and established artists and has a passion for improving the business skills of Artists and building the value of the Arts to non-artists. This passion is the impetus behind Cluster Arts.“I am a quick-thinking Arts professional who enjoys thinking outside the box. I understand the importance of strong governance. I have enjoyed a solid career in business and the Arts and believe you cannot have one without the other.”Deb’s career has included CEO of Flipside Circus (2009-2015) and CEO of the Aboriginal Centre for Performance Arts (ACPA) (2015). Deb holds a Graduate Diploma in Management (Arts & Culture) and is completing her Masters's In Management (Arts & Culture).
“The Circus and Performing Arts community is one big global family, and I love travelling and finding the Artists wherever I go. I look forward to seeing what the next generation of emerging Artists has to show the world!”